Social Media Engine Plugin for Seo Panel is Released

We are really happy to inform you that Seo Panel Plugin Social Media Engine is released. It will help you to automatically send and schedule status updates to the popular social media websites like facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

it from following link and enjoy the features.


Main features of Social Media Engine Plugin


1) Can easily create status messages under different Projects and sent it to multiple social media websites like facebook, linkedin and twitter.

2) Using status manager section, you can easily send status messages to Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter in a single click

3) We can schedule status update sending process in cron jobs. Just schedule the status messages in system and it will automatically submit the messages to social media websites.

4) The Submission Reports section will help you to find out the reports of each status message posting.


We are working on new version of Seo Panel 3.4.0, please support us by ordering this plugin.