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Link Diagnosis


Link Diagnosis plugin for Seo Panel will help you to get a complete detailed report about your backlinks and you can also easily track the backlinks of your competitors.


Using the reports generated by Link Diagnosis plugin you can compare the backlinks of your site with competitors and can do needful steps to improve the search position for a particular keyword.



Currently it will support following search engines


a) Google


b) MOZ


c) Opensiteexplorer


d) Bing


e) Exalead


You can any time switch to these search engines are generate and track backlinks of your website.


Steps to generate reports



i) Create a Project for a website


ii) Create a Report under a project and by adding website url to it.


iii) Start report generation from Reports Manager, you can also stop report generation for some time and can restart it easily.


iv) Check reports from View Reports section.


v) Admin can change the settings from Plugin Settings section




Main features of backlinks reports

a) Total number of backlinks for a website with anchor text

b) Total number of unique anchor texts for a website

c) Backlink details - google pagerank, Anchor, Outbound Links,Link Type etc

d) Which pages are the most popular ones with most number of backlinks

e) Which anchor text is the most popular one in list of backlink anchors


f) Export and print the reports for future use


There are lots of features under this plugin, check above demo link to get more details about plugin.


Price: $25

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Version: 3.1.0

Released: 2010-11-26

Last Updated: 2019-04-06

Requires Seo Panel Version: 3.17.0

Download Count: 4929


Author: Seo Panel

Support: Plugin Website

Average Rating

(266 ratings)

My Rating

Price: $25

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