Search Engine Saturation

Quick Saturation Checker

This feature used to find the search engine saturation of a website by with out storing any data in database.

  1. Go to Seo Tools => Search Engine Saturation => Quick Saturation Checker

  2. Enter details as following screen shot

    • Website - Add website links one per line needs to be checked
  3. Click on ‘Proceed’ will show the saturation report in different search engines

Saturation Reports

This section will show the saturation reports of websites

  1. Go to Seo Tools => Search Engine Saturation => Saturation Reports

  2. Enter search filter details as following screen shot

Currently it will show the saturation report in different search engines

Generate Saturation Reports

This section used to generate search engine saturation reports of websites. We did not recommend to use this feature. Use cron job for report generation