
System Settings

Next step is to update system settings according to your environment.

  1. Go to Admin Panel => System Settings=> System Settings

  2. Enter details as following screen shot

    • Seo Panel Title - The title of your seo panel installation Eg: Smith’s seo panel

    • Seo Panel Description - The meta description of your seo panel installation

    • Seo Panel Keywords - The meta keywords of your seo panel installation

    • Number of entries per page - The max number of entries to start pagination(Default value is ‘10’)

    • User registration interface - Enable / Disable users to register in your seo panel

    • Default Language - The default language of your seo panel

    • SMTP Settings

      • Enable SMTP - Enable / Disable smtp settings for sending mail from seo panel
      • SMTP Host - The hostname of smtp server(default value is ‘localhost’)
      • SMTP Username - SMTP account username
      • SMTP Password - SMTP account password
      • SMTP Mail Port - SMTP mail port used(default value is ‘25’)
    • Time Zone: - Your timezone to see reports in your time

    • Company Name - The name of your company

    • Currency - Currency used in seo panel transactions

MOZ Settings

Setup MOZ API to get website ranking related informations

  1. Go to Admin Panel => System Settings=> MOZ Settings

  2. Click on `Click here to get MOZ account` link to get free MOZ API account

  3. Enter details as following screen shot

    • Access ID - The access id of MOZ API
    • Secret Key - The secret key of MOZ API

    Click on `Verify connection` link to verify the API settings are working

Google Settings

Setup Google API Key and OAuth2 credentials to get website informations from google api resources.

Google API Key

Google API key is mainly used for accessing public api resources like Pagespeed checker

  1. Go to Admin Panel => System Settings=> Google Settings

  2. Click on `Click here to get Google API Key` link to get google API key

  3. Enter google api key generated from above step.

    • Google API Key - The google API key generated using above step

Click on `Verify connection` link to verify the API Key settings are working

Google OAuth2 credentials

Google OAuth2 credentials used for accessing private api resources using secured connection. It requires user authentication to access the api resources.

Eg: Webmaster Tools

  1. Go to Admin Panel => System Settings=> Google Settings

  2. Click on `Click here to get Google API Client Id` link to get OAuth2 credentials

    Steps to create the OAuth2 credentials

    1. Go to the API Console

    2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.

    3. If the APIs & services page isn’t already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.

    4. On the left, choose Credentials

    5. Click Create credentials and then select OAuth client ID

    6. Configure Consent Screen, If you didn’t configure earlier. Click on Configure consent screen

    7. Configure Consent Screen like below image


      If your seo panel is setup in a link or

      Add in Authorised domains section.

    8. Once Consent Screen is configured, Click on Create credentials and then select OAuth client ID

    9. You will be redirected to a page like below image and Select Application type as Web application

    10. After submission you will get Google Client Id and Client Secret from below screen


    Enter details as following screen shot

    • Google API Client Id - The google Client Id generated using above step
    • Google API Client Secret - The google Client Secret generated using above step
  3. Enable Google API used for seo panel

    1. Webmaster Tools

      Go to

      Then click on ENABLE button

    2. PageSpeed Insights API

      Go to

      Then click on ENABLE button

    3. Google Analytics API

      Go to

      Then click on ENABLE button

  4. Connect to your google account

    Each user needs to connect to their own google account to provide access to their webmaster tools, analytics etc

    Here you can connect to different search engines and social media to access its details in seo panel.

    1. Go to Admin Panel => My Account => Connections

    2. Connect to Google

      It will provide access for seo panel to connect with your google API resources like webmaster tools, analytics etc.

      Click on `Connect` link to connect google


      Allow access for google api to connect.


      After successfull connection you will get following screen


Google Analytics

Google analytics code used to know the number of visitors accessing your seo panel.

  1. Go to Admin Panel => System Settings=> Google Settings

  2. Enter details as following screen shot

    • Google Analytics Tracking Code - Enter the corresponding code from google analytics for your seo panel.

Go to google analytics dashboard and verify the code is working.